Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Stef and bakkie on the Knersvlakte

Daisies on the Knersvlakte

Truck and flowers near the border

Who knows???

The 'ferrari' plant!

We drove up on Thursday, the whole of the N7 is looking very beautiful. Full of colourful flowers everywhere. We camped for the first 3 nights on the Orange river at an empty and stunning campsite owned by a friend, Jaapie.
So far I have walked 5 days, doing over 25kms per day. It is tough going in the sun and wind. I feel exhausted at the end of the day, and my knees hurt.
Today I passed Springbok and popped in at the local physio to check out my knee problem. It seems to be inflammation from overuse, hopefully it will improve soon.
The flowers are great and there is lots to see, I have seen some beautiful sights already.
Stef, my assistant, is keeping me well fed and organizing our campsite very well.
We are now camping at the Springbok caravan park and tomorrow we will head on to Kamieskroon…
Here are some pictures so far…

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