Sunday, August 17, 2008


After 6 days of walking my body told me to take a rest, the physio told me to take 2 days of rest to let my knee recover. It was difficult to take 2 days off when I just wanted to be on the road walking, but in terms of the walk as a whole, it was important. It rained on and off so I didn’t feel to bad about being at camp, and it was Stef’s birthday on the 14th so it was good to relax . We also took a day drive to the Namaqua National Park which was good to see.
Back to walking for the last 2 days and my knee is feeling good. Its great to be walking again and I have seen some beautiful plants. There are so many things in flower, with insects and other animals also in abundance.
I found a lucky horseshoe.
We spent to last 4 nights in Kamieskroon at a great campsite called Cosy Mountain. Unfortunately our last night there was ruined by some very strong winds which cased our tents to collapse!! Tonight we are staying indoors at the Succulent Karoo Research Centre before moving on to Garies in the morning.


Unknown said...

Hi Greg
Keep up the good work. We here at the PCU have been chatting about the walk. The photos on the site are wonderful. Good Luck for the next stretch! Fiona

Chrissie and Rob said...

Hi Greg,

We had a meeting at the PCU and spoke about your project and hoped you were surviving in the wilds of the road reserve.

Keep going. Hope you find lots of good things.

By the way, the "Who knows?" is undoubtedly an Anacampseros (Portulacaceae) but you have probably worked this out by now.



(Chrissie Madden is sending the comment via her gmail account)

Unknown said...

Hi Greg. I'm glad to see things got off to a good start. I'll be keeping track of your progress so good luck. The photos are amazing!